
Genuine Question: AITA for leeching off a company that forgot about me?

I'm currently “interning” for a game dev company (not indie. these people have multi-million dollar companies sponsoring and investing in them) that's more or less entirely forgot that I'm still on the payroll. I get no emails or slacks about meetings, new assignments, updates, etc etc and haven't for almost a month now. My internship was supposed to have “ended” a few weeks ago, but there was no parting email or zoom or discussion of full time employment that they had been heavily implying for the time I had been actually working there. I haven't been kicked off of anything involving the company and still have access to the site they use for clocking in and out. So I've been putting in roughly 5-6 hours a day for 15 bucks an hour, doing jack shit, and cashing in every 2 weeks. I've told very few people close to me about…

I'm currently “interning” for a game dev company (not indie. these people have multi-million dollar companies sponsoring and investing in them) that's more or less entirely forgot that I'm still on the payroll. I get no emails or slacks about meetings, new assignments, updates, etc etc and haven't for almost a month now. My internship was supposed to have “ended” a few weeks ago, but there was no parting email or zoom or discussion of full time employment that they had been heavily implying for the time I had been actually working there. I haven't been kicked off of anything involving the company and still have access to the site they use for clocking in and out. So I've been putting in roughly 5-6 hours a day for 15 bucks an hour, doing jack shit, and cashing in every 2 weeks. I've told very few people close to me about this and they mostly seem hesitant to downright disrespected at even the idea that I'm doing this. Is it really that outlandish??

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