
CNN reports that butcher shop employees make “$40/hour after tips.”

CNN did a corporate puff piece on tipping culture. Instead of asking hard hitting journalism questions about why employers don't pay a livable wage, or why consumers are asked to pay part of workers' wages through tip culture, CNN reported THIS (instead of asking the business to produce evidence that what they said is accurate): (go to the 2:20 mark for the exact moment, but the whole puff piece is worth a listen): Fucking enraging that CNN is a news source anymore.

CNN did a corporate puff piece on tipping culture. Instead of asking hard hitting journalism questions about why employers don't pay a livable wage, or why consumers are asked to pay part of workers' wages through tip culture, CNN reported THIS (instead of asking the business to produce evidence that what they said is accurate): (go to the 2:20 mark for the exact moment, but the whole puff piece is worth a listen):

Fucking enraging that CNN is a news source anymore.

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