
F U Michaela

I worked at a gas station for 1.5 years. Manager went on medical leave. I was promoted to “stand-in manager” while she was on leave (3 months). Started training in her last week before leave. Last day of training, Boss-man cones in and says “I don't know Annette, so she can't be stand in manager” (my name is not Annette, but that's what he called me) So I got sent back to being graveyard lead/trainer. We get a stand in manager from a different store. Her name is Michaela (fake name) Her reputation proceeds her. A rumor had gone around work that she is useless as a manager and she only has the position because she “got on her knees and begged with her throat” I was never introduced to her, I met her by giving me shit for not greeting her when she came in (I did, loss prevention…

I worked at a gas station for 1.5 years. Manager went on medical leave. I was promoted to “stand-in manager” while she was on leave (3 months). Started training in her last week before leave. Last day of training, Boss-man cones in and says “I don't know Annette, so she can't be stand in manager” (my name is not Annette, but that's what he called me)

So I got sent back to being graveyard lead/trainer. We get a stand in manager from a different store. Her name is Michaela (fake name) Her reputation proceeds her. A rumor had gone around work that she is useless as a manager and she only has the position because she “got on her knees and begged with her throat”

I was never introduced to her, I met her by giving me shit for not greeting her when she came in (I did, loss prevention thing)

3 months were almost up and she had changed all the rules, most of our procedures, and most of our schedules. Fired a few people and hired her firends in their place. We weren't happy.

At the second month mark, my husband was offered a better paying job, we would have to move for. I explained this to Michaelea and gave a months notice. She approached me the next day telling me the gad station by our new house is also owned by the boss-man and I could transfer there. She likes my work ethic and would like me to stay with the company. I said ok, as I didn't have a job lined up yet.

We went through the process of transferring me to the other store. At the end of my months notice, I was told everything was good to go, new stores manager would call me to tell me my shifts.

So I moved. After 2 days I hadn't heard from them so I gave them a call. They had never heard of me. I explain the transfer and they had no clue what I was talking about. I again explained I worked at X store for Michaela. Nope. So I called a week later. Same thing.

I spent the next 3 months unemployed looking for a job. Many interviews got to “reference check” then I was dropped. I can only imagine it was Michaela, for having screwed me already, despite her “liking my work ethic”

I am now in week 4 of my new job where I am floor manager (promoted after 3 weeks) and I make $2 an hour more than I would as manager there.

F U Michaela. I make more than you with less work now, you power tripping hag.

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