
My boss removed access to our shared work software on “accident” and my whole team was sent into a totally avoidable and unnecessary panic

This is a bit of a rant but I have to share this frustration. There are a lot of things that have happened but today is the day Ive decided to start actively looking for a new job. My team and I previously shared one business account on Canva. Our organization is currently going through major restructuring of our marketing procedures. I've been working for weeks on a presentation I'm doing for the state on Canva. I had scheduled a meeting room to practice my presentation as I need to have it done by Thursday when I meet with the state to review it. When I set up and tried to log in, the password didn't work. I found that myself and all my coworkers had been booted from Canva and nobody could log in. No communication from admin. No heads up. No warning. My coworker reached out to the…

This is a bit of a rant but I have to share this frustration. There are a lot of things that have happened but today is the day Ive decided to start actively looking for a new job.

My team and I previously shared one business account on Canva. Our organization is currently going through major restructuring of our marketing procedures. I've been working for weeks on a presentation I'm doing for the state on Canva. I had scheduled a meeting room to practice my presentation as I need to have it done by Thursday when I meet with the state to review it. When I set up and tried to log in, the password didn't work. I found that myself and all my coworkers had been booted from Canva and nobody could log in. No communication from admin. No heads up. No warning. My coworker reached out to the boss because we all have tons of work on the Canva account. The response was that they are “looking into it.” About 20 minutes later we got an email telling us we all have to create an account with our own email addresses under the organizations team. When we log in, all of our work is missing. Every member of the team was sent into a panic as we use canva for a wide range of things, not just designing marketing materials. Nobody has any idea what's going on and honestly none of us would be that surprised if management / marketing decided to delete work because they didn't think we “needed” it anymore. When we ask management about all of our work they say they'll look into it after lunch. At 4:30pm I finally got access to my presentation. Several of my other files are missing and I don't anticipate I will ever have access to them again.

I don't buy for one second that this was an “accident.” This was an intentional restructuring of how we use Canva. That is perfectly fine – however, why wouldn't you just give us a heads up??? I would have downloaded my presentation to run through it. Instead I lost an entire day on a project with a tight deadline because our manager is a terrible communicator and thinks everything is on a “need to know” basis, but doesn't give us the respect to include us on things that we actually need to know about!! They decided to try to be sneaky about this and without anticipating how it would affect staff. WE are still all expected to meet our deadlines regardless of the fact that management robbed us of much needed time. The expectation would be that we work extra unpaid hours (salaried positions) to meet our deadlines to make up for their mistake. Several people who used the account for various small things have permanently lost access to the account as they will not be permitted to create a new login. I don't understand the decision making process at all.

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