
Technology Workers – On Call pay?

I've been in the technology field for 20+ years, all the way from helpdesk to senior engineering roles. I've never, in any of those roles, been paid for on-call time, whether I had to work or just babysit the phone. I've had rotations where I would work 5 or 6 hours during on call and then turn around and work my regular scheduled 8-5 hours. I've had jobs where there was no rotation, you were just expected to answer any time, any where, 24/7/365. Are you folks getting pay or compensation for this time or do we all just kind of…accept it as part and parcel with the jobs?

I've been in the technology field for 20+ years, all the way from helpdesk to senior engineering roles. I've never, in any of those roles, been paid for on-call time, whether I had to work or just babysit the phone. I've had rotations where I would work 5 or 6 hours during on call and then turn around and work my regular scheduled 8-5 hours. I've had jobs where there was no rotation, you were just expected to answer any time, any where, 24/7/365. Are you folks getting pay or compensation for this time or do we all just kind of…accept it as part and parcel with the jobs?

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