
Meeting with my boss soon. Help me find the words.

I got a part time job that pays very little. This is supposed to be my second job. My boss wants me on call and available everyday in case a coworker doesn't show. Also Im given no days off and am only scheduled half days. So im not even getting 40 hrs of pay even though im having to work everyday. This leaves me no time to make money elsewhere. This was not the situation when I started. The job is very convenient and easy. But the management is obviously greedy and don't care about their people or customers. I hope that my manager is really just ignorant and out of touch. Im giving the benefit of the doubt. I would like to approach the situation in a way that I could maybe teach him how to be a better manager. He asked me to come in to work one…

I got a part time job that pays very little. This is supposed to be my second job. My boss wants me on call and available everyday in case a coworker doesn't show. Also Im given no days off and am only scheduled half days. So im not even getting 40 hrs of pay even though im having to work everyday. This leaves me no time to make money elsewhere. This was not the situation when I started.

The job is very convenient and easy. But the management is obviously greedy and don't care about their people or customers.
I hope that my manager is really just ignorant and out of touch. Im giving the benefit of the doubt. I would like to approach the situation in a way that I could maybe teach him how to be a better manager. He asked me to come in to work one day when he knew I was in the process of moving. He said to me “Put yourself in my shoes” I said ok. Close the store. Its ok. We are open 365 days a year. The company is profitable. We can take a day off so our employee can take care of their move. I had already rescheduled my move before to keep the store open. Closing their store was not an option. Greedy af. I could go on and on about how our coworker quit after being verbaly abused.

We are supposed to meet to talk about the schedule. Im going to ask for 2 days off a week and to be paid a commission. Help me find the words and serenity to not go off and just fkn quit and throw shit lol

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