
Employer trying to make me do jobs dramatically outside of job description

I got hired as a server/cashier about a week ago at a restaurant in my city in New Mexico, the job title is officially “Front Of House”. I haven't even learned the register yet and the owner pulled me aside to ask me “how are you with handyman work” and started talking about how he wanted my help with cleaning air filters on the roof, maintenancing coolers and other equipment, even saying he wanted my help pouring hot rubber into cracks in the parking lot over two days. I tried to be as polite as possible and told him I'm not that good, have limited availability, etc. in hopes to shut it down but he just kept going on about it “dont worry ph4t50, its not that hard all the other guys (specifically men) in the restaurant are helping out too”. I'm 6'0″ and 280lbs so I'm not a small…

I got hired as a server/cashier about a week ago at a restaurant in my city in New Mexico, the job title is officially “Front Of House”. I haven't even learned the register yet and the owner pulled me aside to ask me “how are you with handyman work” and started talking about how he wanted my help with cleaning air filters on the roof, maintenancing coolers and other equipment, even saying he wanted my help pouring hot rubber into cracks in the parking lot over two days.

I tried to be as polite as possible and told him I'm not that good, have limited availability, etc. in hopes to shut it down but he just kept going on about it “dont worry ph4t50, its not that hard all the other guys (specifically men) in the restaurant are helping out too”. I'm 6'0″ and 280lbs so I'm not a small guy, people often try to use me as the “you're big, carry the big heavy thing!” person and I don't like it. I'm a team player but I had a spinal surgery in January and im not trying to be doing hard labor, it's the whole reason I took a server position in the first place. I work with all women up front, when I told them what was asked they were all shocked and said they have never been asked to do things like that.

Basically I'm wondering if the owner can force me to do stuff like this even though it isn't even close to what I was hired for, im aware that job descriptions can be changed but it doesn't seem right to be hired to serve food and then find out I have to basically do construction/road work instead. Will I get fired if I refuse? Do I have any standing to say “no, thats not why took this job”? I like the staff and don't really wanna leave but I'm not ok with being a work horse just because I'm a “big, strong man”. It feels degrading tbh.

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