
Boss wants to fire me for antidepressants I use because they can’t manage a team

I moved states to get a better life and not live with my mother and father. When interviewing I was told there would be some standby time, which pays 1 dollar an hour, while they hire more staff. They did not inform me that the standby time making me work 12+ hours per day 5-7 days a week was mandatory and would never be removed. I let them know that they could lower operational costs by staggering our start times and having employees that work part-time or late shift. Their response to this was to refuse my yearly raise and not give a cost of living adjustment. My plan before I moved was to work my job and get a second job or at least volunteer somewhere. The labor law in this state says that any employer can make their employees work for 24 hours for up to 2 weeks…

I moved states to get a better life and not live with my mother and father. When interviewing I was told there would be some standby time, which pays 1 dollar an hour, while they hire more staff. They did not inform me that the standby time making me work 12+ hours per day 5-7 days a week was mandatory and would never be removed. I let them know that they could lower operational costs by staggering our start times and having employees that work part-time or late shift. Their response to this was to refuse my yearly raise and not give a cost of living adjustment. My plan before I moved was to work my job and get a second job or at least volunteer somewhere. The labor law in this state says that any employer can make their employees work for 24 hours for up to 2 weeks at a time as long as overtime is paid. Oregon fully supports and reinforces slave labor.

I started taking antidepressants as prescribed by my doctor but of course, when you do not have a predicted schedule you can not take medication properly. Now in Oregon, it is not legal to have a schedule that is not predictive but their excuse is that the nature of the job means they will not be able to have a predictive schedule. They also do not pay us for the violation of predictive schedule.

I am home just long enough to get to work the next day or less time than that. The only response I have gotten is “If you think you deserve a better job then get a better job!” but I know my coworkers and I deserve better management. Even the company deserves a better representative. Their direct actions losses 100s of thousands of dollars every month.

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