
Dear C-Suite Execs: No one gives a fuck about your “town hall”.

Dear Executives, You know that townhall you invited all of your employees to come to last month? You know that one that was an “invite” but still mandatory, you scheduled it at 7AM and made all of your WFH employees drive into the office that morning to hear it. Wasn't it an exiting morning? Getting to tell everyone how well the company is doing at hitting it's Q4 OKR's! And you finally got to announce your ID-10T initiative that you (who are we kidding, your assistants) worked so hard to craft over the past month. You must be feeling really proud of yourself and I bet you think your employees are just as excited as you, right? No unfortunately I have some bad news: your employees don't give a fuck. In fact no one outside of the C-suite really gives a fuck, they only give a fuck when you pay…

Dear Executives,

You know that townhall you invited all of your employees to come to last month? You know that one that was an “invite” but still mandatory, you scheduled it at 7AM and made all of your WFH employees drive into the office that morning to hear it.

Wasn't it an exiting morning? Getting to tell everyone how well the company is doing at hitting it's Q4 OKR's! And you finally got to announce your ID-10T initiative that you (who are we kidding, your assistants) worked so hard to craft over the past month. You must be feeling really proud of yourself and I bet you think your employees are just as excited as you, right?

No unfortunately I have some bad news: your employees don't give a fuck. In fact no one outside of the C-suite really gives a fuck, they only give a fuck when you pay them to give a fuck. They know your dad founded the company 50 years ago, they don't give a fuck. They know that your team worked so hard to boost the stock price of the company the last quarter but yet again, they still don't give a fuck.

You might be wondering what you could do to make your employees give a fuck? You might be thinking right now of a company pizza party or a goodie bag for your best employees right (yeah of course you are). But please let me make this easy for you and tell you the one and only way to make your employees give a fuck: you see that number at the bottom of every check you sign to your employees? yeah, make that number go up and you will be shocked how much of a fuck your employees start to give.

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