
Boss said that if I want a promotion I have to be prepared to work more hours.

How does this make sense? I work a 40+ hour work week already. A promotion is meant to give me responsibilities that take more time, effort, and experience to learn, hence the aligned pay bump. If I wanted more money for more hours, I’d keep my easier day job and just get a side hustle. Why stress myself with a more difficult job with longer hours for a measly little pay raise? It’s not even a raise, then!

How does this make sense? I work a 40+ hour work week already. A promotion is meant to give me responsibilities that take more time, effort, and experience to learn, hence the aligned pay bump.

If I wanted more money for more hours, I’d keep my easier day job and just get a side hustle. Why stress myself with a more difficult job with longer hours for a measly little pay raise? It’s not even a raise, then!

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