
Customer service job has me wishing I didn’t wake up tomorrow every day

I'm really at the end of my line here. I work as an infoline operator for the national postal operator of my country. This is my first real job. The pay is nice, the colleagues are wonderful, but the customers who call are just so. goddamn. mean. I know that satisfied customers don't typically call and so I should expect that I will only be dealing with the disappointed ones here, but when I first started here in 2021, the callers weren't so bad. Sure, some were angry, but mostly polite. A vulgar caller was a rare event. But nowadays it's the opposite. During my 8 hour shift I have maybe 2 or 3 pleasant calls. It's absolutely draining me. I have been looking for a new job, but so far I've been unsuccessful. Ever since this shift in the callers' attitude happened I've been joking about unaliving myself to…

I'm really at the end of my line here. I work as an infoline operator for the national postal operator of my country.
This is my first real job. The pay is nice, the colleagues are wonderful, but the customers who call are just so. goddamn. mean. I know that satisfied customers don't typically call and so I should expect that I will only be dealing with the disappointed ones here, but when I first started here in 2021, the callers weren't so bad. Sure, some were angry, but mostly polite. A vulgar caller was a rare event. But nowadays it's the opposite. During my 8 hour shift I have maybe 2 or 3 pleasant calls. It's absolutely draining me. I have been looking for a new job, but so far I've been unsuccessful. Ever since this shift in the callers' attitude happened I've been joking about unaliving myself to make my colleagues laugh. Now I catch myself seriously pondering injuring myself so that I would have an excuse to not go to work for at least a month. This amount of negativity can't be healthy for a human being, I'm so miserable.

TLDR: my work sucks and I'm b1tching about it

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