
Guys at my job snitched on me, im in shock.

As the title says, the guys at my job snitched on me for my phone usage. Now listen before any judgement… I work in a bodyshop, I am the receptionist up front. I do my job well, and my boss tells me everyday. I bring the guys in the back donuts and coffee every mondays because they do a good job as well. Overall, we are a good team all together and I absolutely love my job. Now, lately I admit I have been on my phone more often, but its mainly because I am handeling legal paperwork to move my husband to my country. I would rather use my phone than my work computer, my boss knows about this and is chill with it, so no issues right? (BTW, I NEVER do it when I have work to do, only during down time or my break) Well, my boss…

As the title says, the guys at my job snitched on me for my phone usage. Now listen before any judgement…

I work in a bodyshop, I am the receptionist up front.
I do my job well, and my boss tells me everyday. I bring the guys in the back donuts and coffee every mondays because they do a good job as well. Overall, we are a good team all together and I absolutely love my job.

Now, lately I admit I have been on my phone more often, but its mainly because I am handeling legal paperwork to move my husband to my country. I would rather use my phone than my work computer, my boss knows about this and is chill with it, so no issues right? (BTW, I NEVER do it when I have work to do, only during down time or my break)

Well, my boss came up to me today telling me I should stop using my phone even for important reasons, because the guys in the back saw me and snitched on me. And our boss is afraid it will badly influence their productivity.

I dont mind not using it anymore… it's just knowing my team tattled on me for something so small when I always take the hit for them when a customer complains about a butched job. It suck…

No more donuts and coffee for them I guess… Oh well, more for me.

Thats all, I just needed to vent.

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