
First full-time job and not feeling it at all after 9 months

Hi everyone, So as the title says, I thought after a few months I could really get into the hang of things at my job (I’m an admin assistant). But after awhile, and a few leadership changes already in the past several months, I’m just not engaged with my work and not motivated in my job at all. I’m just not happy with it, which I know isn’t great to say when the job market is terrible atm. I don’t really know how to get out of it. My entire team is kind to me and my coworker who’s been kinda mentoring me is nice sometimes (but also very hot and cold at times, but in general wants me to keep learning and succeed at the role). I’m still very new to my job and still don’t know how to do a lot of things. I know I should be…

Hi everyone,

So as the title says, I thought after a few months I could really get into the hang of things at my job (I’m an admin assistant). But after awhile, and a few leadership changes already in the past several months, I’m just not engaged with my work and not motivated in my job at all. I’m just not happy with it, which I know isn’t great to say when the job market is terrible atm. I don’t really know how to get out of it.

My entire team is kind to me and my coworker who’s been kinda mentoring me is nice sometimes (but also very hot and cold at times, but in general wants me to keep learning and succeed at the role). I’m still very new to my job and still don’t know how to do a lot of things. I know I should be more proactive in reaching out for help, but I just straight up don’t wanna do any of this.

My job anxiety never really went away either, even with medication and therapy (but it’s been nice to let these things out), and I avoid going to the office just because I find it so suffocating to be in there (hardly anyone around if at all and little to no windows on our floor). I’m also the only young person on my team (everyone else is what I assume to be in their 40s-60s). I know I can request for accommodations, but don’t even know what to even ask for.

I guess I’m just basically looking for some validation and advice on how to be more motivated. I really want to quit, but I don’t have another job lined up.

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