
What else can I do to protect myself.

So I have been put on a PIP at work and since the conversation I was able to determine that many of my issues were caused by an untreated mental health issue. I have since been seeking treatment and trying to correct the issues brought up in the pip. However, my mental health issue directly impacts the key areas and I will never be able to hit a perfect record. I am starting to get things in writing, things like what is acceptable for start time, is it spot on at 8am and 8:01 is considered late? And stuff like that. My issue directly impacts my perception of time and my ability to be on time. Before I get ripped to shreds it's not an excuse to allow me to be late to work, but it's an explanation for why it is more difficult for me than the average person.…

So I have been put on a PIP at work and since the conversation I was able to determine that many of my issues were caused by an untreated mental health issue. I have since been seeking treatment and trying to correct the issues brought up in the pip. However, my mental health issue directly impacts the key areas and I will never be able to hit a perfect record. I am starting to get things in writing, things like what is acceptable for start time, is it spot on at 8am and 8:01 is considered late? And stuff like that. My issue directly impacts my perception of time and my ability to be on time. Before I get ripped to shreds it's not an excuse to allow me to be late to work, but it's an explanation for why it is more difficult for me than the average person.

So I as I said I am getting every expectation not in the employee handbook in email and sending it to my personal email. I have disclosed my mental health issue and advised I am seeking treatment. I am going to begin recording all conversations relating to my performance (my state is a single party consent state) and I attempted to file for FMLA. I was told I can't file unless I am planning leave under FMLA. Which I am again getting in writing.

I have yet to formally ask for reasonable accomodations yet. I am trying to meet the expectations and look for a new job because I won't even feel safe or comfortable at this job anymore.

What else can I do to help protect myself until I find a new job?

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