
Contract Job Didn’t Pay Me for Sick Days

I worked contract as a CSR and with less than a week's notice, I was informed my assignment would be over on the 27th. I hated this job and decided to call in sick for my last 2 days. I had noticed weeks ago that I had a sick pay balance of about 7 hours. I was ill one day last month and asked the hr person who did our training how can I use my sick pay to cover the day I took off. The hr person said contractors don't get sick pay. This time I emailed the contract company directly to ask their paid sick hours policy. I had searched through onboarding docs and found nothing. I was told that I can use paid sick hours after 120 days with the company. I live in NY and saw nothing about having to be employed somewhere for x number…

I worked contract as a CSR and with less than a week's notice, I was informed my assignment would be over on the 27th. I hated this job and decided to call in sick for my last 2 days. I had noticed weeks ago that I had a sick pay balance of about 7 hours. I was ill one day last month and asked the hr person who did our training how can I use my sick pay to cover the day I took off. The hr person said contractors don't get sick pay. This time I emailed the contract company directly to ask their paid sick hours policy. I had searched through onboarding docs and found nothing. I was told that I can use paid sick hours after 120 days with the company. I live in NY and saw nothing about having to be employed somewhere for x number of days to use paid sick hours.

I emailed the contract company again with a pdf of NY state's paid sick policy. I never got a response. I just checked my paystub and only received pay for the 2 days I worked last week. I want to be petty as this job really sucked, and literally gave hardly any notice. I knew it was contract, but they never gave us an exact date of either our assignment ending or being converted to full part time.

To top it all off, with call centers(this is my first, and hopefully last cc job) we get coachings. Basically we have to sit through old calls with our team leader, and they tell us what to improve on and what we did well. Then they ask us what we thought we did well or what we think we need to improve on. The morning I got my contract is over email, I had a coaching an hour afterwards. I asked my my team leader if we really had to do this as I”m leaving. What the hell am I going to improve on when I'm not gonna be here, lol. He said I' m still going to do the coaching, and had the nerve to still ask the same what did you do well/wrong questions. I decided to make him as uncomfortable as possible and just kept saying idk to everything. Anyways, I just had to vent. I plan on either messaging or calling my state's dol, but they're super hard to reach.

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