
I get paid $17k/yr as an engineer and work for one of the biggest corporations globally

I graduated two years ago from the best university in my country with a 4.0 GPA in Engineering. I live in generally low income country where there is crazy high unemployment. The company I’ve been working for pays me $17k/year after tax and I’ve basically been living paycheque to paycheque. I don’t save any money, I am in debt and near the end of the month I barely have any money for food or utilities. Honestly I just feel like I’m surviving everyday and it’s depressing. I’ve made the company over $2m with the projects I’ve lead and I have nothing to show for it except a well done at the end of the year. I am starting to work my wage and stopped giving a damn about my work a few months back. I am just tired of working hard, bringing value to a company and only earn enough…

I graduated two years ago from the best university in my country with a 4.0 GPA in Engineering. I live in generally low income country where there is crazy high unemployment. The company I’ve been working for pays me $17k/year after tax and I’ve basically been living paycheque to paycheque. I don’t save any money, I am in debt and near the end of the month I barely have any money for food or utilities. Honestly I just feel like I’m surviving everyday and it’s depressing.

I’ve made the company over $2m with the projects I’ve lead and I have nothing to show for it except a well done at the end of the year. I am starting to work my wage and stopped giving a damn about my work a few months back. I am just tired of working hard, bringing value to a company and only earn enough to not die. I am thinking of applying to remote jobs outside my country or even emigrating because I cannot do this anymore. These corporations are aware of the situation in my country so they can offer these low salaries and because people are desperate we just accept it. I am done with these corporations honestly.

This is just a rant. I needed a place to vent because keeping all this in is quite literally killing me.

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