
Quality of Life for People Under 30

I’m sick of killing myself everyday at work to go home and live the way I have to live I’m sick of being the breadwinner in my landlords family I’m sick of corporations and companies like Blackrock who own 99% of every type of product in the world that are in some way or another poisoning us and how they are now buying up these houses I’m sick of the world being backwards, where the hardest working get the least money and don’t get their voices heard, while the 1% don’t even understand how the world works get the most amount of money and everybody praises them I’m sick of how most people who aren’t blind understand that the politicians and celebrities that steal our money and brainwash us are all pedophiles/sex traffickers and into things like worshiping the devil I’m sick of my generation being driven by these things…

I’m sick of killing myself everyday at work to go home and live the way I have to live

I’m sick of being the breadwinner in my landlords family

I’m sick of corporations and companies like Blackrock who own 99% of every type of product in the world that are in some way or another poisoning us and how they are now buying up these houses

I’m sick of the world being backwards, where the hardest working get the least money and don’t get their voices heard, while the 1% don’t even understand how the world works get the most amount of money and everybody praises them

I’m sick of how most people who aren’t blind understand that the politicians and celebrities that steal our money and brainwash us are all pedophiles/sex traffickers and into things like worshiping the devil

I’m sick of my generation being driven by these things to massive numbers of suicide

I’m sick of being told that working hard has anything to do with the amount of money you make

The fact that I work at the same high paying job my dad has for the past 25 years and would get laughed out of trying to get a mortgage because everything around me is over 4k a month due to interest rates tripling and housing prices doubling/tripling in the past 3 years, and he’s selling his house for 1.5 million (3x more than what they originally bought it for just 10 years ago and 2.5x more than what they had it listed for sale for in 2019. I’m sick of hearing these old people who are so out of touch with how the world works say that they’ve seen the housing market fluctuate and “they have seen interest rates at 12% compared to the 8% it is now”, we’ll 50k for a house with a 30k salary is a lot different that 500k for a run down house if the median salary is only 40-50k. There’s a lot of people at this job who have a huge house here and a huge second home usually in Arizona and pay significantly less for both combined than what I would have to for a house that has meth heads crashing in it.

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