
What would it take for a general strike?

Is it all calculated? That we’re all financially in a place that we’re a few paychecks away from (or even currently) having our debts and bills drown us so there’s no time to protest? That we’re supposed to make our work our identity and pride so we don’t want to leave and protest? The fact that everyone’s so caught up in consumption of social media and material things that no one thinks or cares to protest? The fact that individuality (comforts, etc) takes priority over all else? So again no one cares to protest because they have to take care of themselves first (which, yeah I do this too) Highlighting all our differences via some labels for ourselves so people can’t see the common struggles? Clouding political, economic, financial knowledge in some jargon and bullshit that makes us think the economic system IS to our benefit but we’re just not…

Is it all calculated?

That we’re all financially in a place that we’re a few paychecks away from (or even currently) having our debts and bills drown us so there’s no time to protest?

That we’re supposed to make our work our identity and pride so we don’t want to leave and protest?

The fact that everyone’s so caught up in consumption of social media and material things that no one thinks or cares to protest?

The fact that individuality (comforts, etc) takes priority over all else? So again no one cares to protest because they have to take care of themselves first (which, yeah I do this too)

Highlighting all our differences via some labels for ourselves so people can’t see the common struggles?

Clouding political, economic, financial knowledge in some jargon and bullshit that makes us think the economic system IS to our benefit but we’re just not smart enough to see it?

I want to do something but I feel so powerless and distracted and tired and it feels like this is purposeful. I would love to stand up and I’m sure others would too but like everyone else I’m scared of what’d I’d lose. We all have ppl to take care of so it’s a big risk to possibly sacrifice paycheck(s). If everyone doesn’t buy in, nothing will change. We all have the same problems.

What do you guys think it’ll take? Do you think it’ll happen in our lifetime?

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