
The onus is always on the worker for safety these days

I am dealing with going into a clinical environment that deals with compressed air. To make a long story short, management has had a pattern of ever since I got hired, acting like my expertise and considerations to my working environment/ability to do stuff in it is a “figure it out yourself” ordeal. Which led to a situation yesterday of me calling out an absurdly dangerous and unacceptable condition that the air compressor had been running without service or maintenance for about a week, and in a state that it should literally NEVER be in. What's my reward for catching this objectively dangerous, very serious oversight in training, for probably saving our lives from imminent fire and/or explosion? For bringing it to management attention? Treating me like an idiot that should have known better about the air compressor as if I wasn't the one that read the manual that got…

I am dealing with going into a clinical environment that deals with compressed air.

To make a long story short, management has had a pattern of ever since I got hired, acting like my expertise and considerations to my working environment/ability to do stuff in it is a “figure it out yourself” ordeal.

Which led to a situation yesterday of me calling out an absurdly dangerous and unacceptable condition that the air compressor had been running without service or maintenance for about a week, and in a state that it should literally NEVER be in.

What's my reward for catching this objectively dangerous, very serious oversight in training, for probably saving our lives from imminent fire and/or explosion? For bringing it to management attention?

Treating me like an idiot that should have known better about the air compressor as if I wasn't the one that read the manual that got pulled up for me, had my jaw drop, and initiated people taking it seriously (for once) realizing the danger. Retaliating by making me go in earlier for “more training.”

None of this shit would have been acceptable in a lab environment when I was in school, I am utterly lost and disappointed that its different anywhere else.

But obviously, its the capitalism, its the fact that the suits who witnessed this event were more worried about our capacity to service patients and earn money than the safety issue.

anyway a certain government agency is probably having fun reading some stuff I sent this morning.

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