
Fired over disability? What should I do.

I had just started work as a remote developer for Sedgwick Insurance on Cody Watkins team. I really enjoyed the job. I was progressing through training quicker than scheduled and getting along with my employees. I was completely blindsided! I have anxiety and adhd and with meds and therapy, everything usually goes fine however the second day, I passed out during a daily meeting. My heart rate rose to like 160 (at rest) and I blacked out. I told my manager what happened and that it was likely due to a combination of lack of food, sleep, working out, and then my meds not corresponding well with that mixture. I let him know that this was unusual and should never happen again. I stayed late and made it my mission to finish my first part of my training ahead of schedule to make up for it! Flash forward to Friday,…

I had just started work as a remote developer for Sedgwick Insurance on Cody Watkins team. I really enjoyed the job. I was progressing through training quicker than scheduled and getting along with my employees. I was completely blindsided!

I have anxiety and adhd and with meds and therapy, everything usually goes fine however the second day, I passed out during a daily meeting. My heart rate rose to like 160 (at rest) and I blacked out. I told my manager what happened and that it was likely due to a combination of lack of food, sleep, working out, and then my meds not corresponding well with that mixture. I let him know that this was unusual and should never happen again. I stayed late and made it my mission to finish my first part of my training ahead of schedule to make up for it!

Flash forward to Friday, due to the recession, and growing up economically disadvantaged, I have no food in my home. I quickly ran to get something, before taking my meds so I wouldn’t pass out again. I was a few minutes late for our meeting (most of which is the higher-ups talking about anime and movies). I was still able to report my progress and the managers acted as though I was doing a great job and would be discussing the results of the first part of my training. They moved me on to the second part, in the meantime.

As soon as the day ended and I logged out from my work station, nearly completing the second part of my training that was designed to be completed the following week (trying to work fast to prove my worth!), the temp agency that placed me told me Sedgwick terminated my contract.

I was in tears and honestly contemplated ending my life. It sounds crazy, but I’m a new grad who lives in an abusive and clearly poor household. I was counting on using my new income to finally leave. This tech bust has been killing me. I asked one of my coworkers for help, but he was scared himself and told me “he wasn’t obligated to help me.”Guys, I feel so defeated. I’ve applied to over 500 jobs. I quit another job for this. I turned down a shorter termed internship with a stronger company. They got me good. I’m honestly at my wits end! What do I do? All I want to do now is die to be honest

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