
Prinicples spread rumor about me faking COVID, lie about state rules until they have to pay up

This experience has cemented that they are not getting a two weeks from me when I quit. For context I work as a preschool teacher in CO. I went in sick (along with about 4 other sick teachers) at the beginning of this week. After eating lunch and being unable to taste it I asked my spouse to pick up a couple covid tests for when I'm home. Just to be on the safe side. Upon taking one as soon as I was home it showed positive. I reached out to our principle and assistant principles showing them the positive test result. They said they hope I feel better soon and I would be unable to come in until next week (stressful as hell missing 4+ days of work/pay!) Then midday the next day, after i had gotten a text from two other teachers saying that the lead principle has…

This experience has cemented that they are not getting a two weeks from me when I quit.

For context I work as a preschool teacher in CO.

I went in sick (along with about 4 other sick teachers) at the beginning of this week.
After eating lunch and being unable to taste it I asked my spouse to pick up a couple covid tests for when I'm home. Just to be on the safe side.
Upon taking one as soon as I was home it showed positive.
I reached out to our principle and assistant principles showing them the positive test result.
They said they hope I feel better soon and I would be unable to come in until next week (stressful as hell missing 4+ days of work/pay!)
Then midday the next day, after i had gotten a text from two other teachers saying that the lead principle has said to them directly they “don't think [i am] being truthful” the lead principle informs me that STATE requires a PCR test for me to stay home sick.

I tell them I will try to get one asap but my doctor is generally 2ish weeks out and urgent care nearby doesn't do PCR anymore.
They said “walgreens is free and has all day appointments! You need to get one sooner than Friday evening.”
Which, no walgreens doesn't, not since may. And also me and my spouse share a car and they would have to alter their work schedule to take me (they work in the medical field and my principles are aware of this) But whatever, my insurance says they'll cover it, and they were able to push S/O's start time back an hour so I can do this test.

Get there and walgreens says my insurance is refusing to cover it and I can't drop $130 on a useless test my work requires on the last day of the month, I reach out to my mom to see if she can help me cover it and she says “nobody is gonna cover it accept the people who are demanding the test! Tell them they have to cover it!”
I reach out to them while at the pharmacy and they take so long to respond my spouse has to leave to go in, meaning i have to walk home from the walgreens WITH COVID (I am immunosuppressed and it does hit me quite hard)

After trying to text them, finally I call again and they answer and say they're on the phone with the walgreens I am at right now (I am talking to one of the technicians as they told me this, who, said she could take the phone and tell them if they wanted answers, and I can see the pharmacist and the second tech filling prescriptions, clearly NOT on the phone)

They tell me on the phone “walgreens said they would cover it unless you're asymptomatic.” tell them ” well I'm talking to a tech right now and she says that changed back in may” they said “I'm going to hang up and figure this out but just stay at the pharmacy”
So I'm spending more time in the pharmacy as infants and old women walk around me until I get a text saying “okay just send us a picture of your at home test, we can use that one” WHEN THE WHOLE REASON THAT I WENT THROUGH ALL THIS STRESD WAS BC I WAS TOLD A PCR WAS MANDITORY BY STATE.
But as soooon as they have to put work in or pay the $130 for my test state no longer needs just a PCR, the at home test is fine.

TL;DR: principles spread rumors about me faking covid dispite a postive at home test. Tell me state requires a PCR test, then when they have to pay for the test, state no longer requires it.

I fucking hate them and have never felt so disrespected at an education job from upper management. God I wish we had an HR

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