
I want to quit my job before having something else lined up because of a toxic supervisor and unwelcoming team, but I have a mortgage now

I have recently interviewed for a job which I hope and pray is my ticket out of my current situation. One of my references told me they were contacted this week, which is a lot sooner than the panel had advised they'd begin checking references. The original ad said references would be checked after 5th September and an outcome would be advised mid-late September (which right now feels like an eternity away). It is for multiple positions so I'd like to think I have a chance. I feel I performed strongly in the interview, but I am always scared to be too overconfident. This opening I interviewed for is what I expected my current job to be, but I got duped with the role I'm in presently. The pay is not exactly what was advertised, the work-from-home flexibility is pretty much non-existent though it was on the ad. Manager knows…

I have recently interviewed for a job which I hope and pray is my ticket out of my current situation. One of my references told me they were contacted this week, which is a lot sooner than the panel had advised they'd begin checking references. The original ad said references would be checked after 5th September and an outcome would be advised mid-late September (which right now feels like an eternity away). It is for multiple positions so I'd like to think I have a chance. I feel I performed strongly in the interview, but I am always scared to be too overconfident.

This opening I interviewed for is what I expected my current job to be, but I got duped with the role I'm in presently. The pay is not exactly what was advertised, the work-from-home flexibility is pretty much non-existent though it was on the ad. Manager knows I live a while away so instead of allowing me to work from home even for 1 day a week I have to just start earlier to avoid traffic and god knows that is draining, especially when my last job had such a great hybrid arrangement. Now I'm moving out further again with this new house we bought which will add 25 minutes to my commute and l know they're not going to make any exceptions for me because they've made it clear I'm not important enough to them.

HR seemed to have something against me the moment I started and made some disparaging comments about me to my supervisor which is a whole other story in itself. It caught me and my supervisor completely off guard because I had made some honest mistakes in my first few weeks but this HR rep took it as me being a 'bad fit' and cutting corners.

It doesn't help my supervisor is a bit neurotic so ever since she has been making comments and giving me unsolicited advice about how my introverted personality and working style needs to be changed to help the team trust and feel comfortable with me (according to her my cultural background is also a factor). She likes to gossip a lot and tell me of 'my place' in the office politics which has obviously affected me so much to the point I have been avoiding everyone and booking a private room to complete my work just to avoid interacting with her.
People have been talking because they never know where I am, which I expected but it gives me even more angst.
I've spoken to her twice to let her know that she is the reason for me being distant, that her comments are distracting and they make me feel isolated and uncomfortable in the workplace but she is very defensive. The second chat we had because she crossed my boundary again after I told her I don't want to hear anything that doesn't concern me or the work I'm doing (I said it more diplomatically than that though). She was so shocked and combative. She kept saying “but I had good intentions, I don't understand why you'd take offense and blame me”. Then she got upset about having to walk on 'eggshells' around me and it just makes me feel like I'm being unreasonable for only wanting a professional relationship but I haven't known her that long and it just got too personal too quickly.

I've mentally checked out and the thought of having to go back in on Monday is making me sick. It hurts because I really wanted to be at this organisation for a while and its only been 6 months. My partner and I love our new house and can't wait to move because we've been needing more space for a while so I don't want to ruin this new beginning of ours/put pressure on him to support us when my next job isn't guaranteed yet but I feel so trapped with this job and wanted to cry everyday this week.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for by writing this but I feel I've talked my immediate friends and family's ears off enough about it at this stage but I'll take advice, words of comfort, whatever you got.

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