
Being rejected on the last week for training of the first Job

Greetings, so recently I got rejected after the last day of work at a customer support position, for me the things they were doing there were very simple and in due time I would learn and even multi-task, unfortunately in today's society it seems like numbers matter more than people and I got rejected and the contract terminated after having written average in my testing grades, the position was very bare minimum in requirements as a tech support representative in a call center and my cv generally matches more of an IT department rather than a mere basic tech support. The concern is that the people in charge did not actually see my real performance since I never got the chance to work there anyways, only saw the raw numbers. Beforehand I let the instructor know that I was unable to write the tests due to unforeseen circumstances, it turns…

Greetings, so recently I got rejected after the last day of work at a customer support position, for me the things they were doing there were very simple and in due time I would learn and even multi-task, unfortunately in today's society it seems like numbers matter more than people and I got rejected and the contract terminated after having written average in my testing grades, the position was very bare minimum in requirements as a tech support representative in a call center and my cv generally matches more of an IT department rather than a mere basic tech support.

The concern is that the people in charge did not actually see my real performance since I never got the chance to work there anyways, only saw the raw numbers. Beforehand I let the instructor know that I was unable to write the tests due to unforeseen circumstances, it turns out they still insisted on writing it despite my warnings for low scoring. Either way they still obligate to pay what is due so at least that's that. This was to be the first Job I ever had and I did manage to get a very bare minimum experience of the every day routine which is truly a shame.

I noticed and realized along this journey that my time is precious and a full time work shift feels more like I kill 10 or so hours of my daily life for a few pennies (because in the end of the day, that's what it is compared to my years of education vs my needs… pennies).

Which in turn of course made me concerned about my personal development outside of the daily work routine, which is another topic on its own but mostly an emphasis on how I cannot see myself as part of a corporate entity being a cog on the machine. Worth noting that in my daily life I am very low-maintenance and generally I do not spend too much nor do I expect too much, even still this was the case and it was disappointing. Worth noting that people who were having the course remotely passed for obvious reasons. I do not believe I got the best quality training the company had to offer either due to my luck being ending up with a newbie instructor but that's besides the point I guess, I know this scenario can be very common of course especially in those 3 month high season months so I digress.

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