
I think once the boomers are gone capitalism will end

I feel like thr only thing keeping us down are thr old dogs who refuse to learn new tricks. And I'm not talking about thr average workers. I'm talking about the guys who can't even get through a press conference without having a stroke. Alot of progress is being hindered by the “I got mine crowd”, I hate to sound rude but at this point they're just stopping the world from progressing and keeping everyone miserable and in poverty. As the famous quote goes “I'm tired of this grandpa!”

I feel like thr only thing keeping us down are thr old dogs who refuse to learn new tricks. And I'm not talking about thr average workers. I'm talking about the guys who can't even get through a press conference without having a stroke.

Alot of progress is being hindered by the “I got mine crowd”, I hate to sound rude but at this point they're just stopping the world from progressing and keeping everyone miserable and in poverty.

As the famous quote goes “I'm tired of this grandpa!”

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