
Job interviews are such a messed up way of treating humans

I'm sure a lot of you here will agree on this with me. When I was younger I didn't think much of it, but now that I'm older and realize how weird work scenarios are and how much interviews are extremely silly and just feed into this delusion that humans are made to compete with each other in order to achieve some sort of goal that humans themselves made up instead of learning how to co-exist. The fact that some of them will have more than one step of interview, that you have to do group interviews that might leave you feeling bad if you didn't get the job or good if you do, because you were “better” than those other people. If we actually had the CHOICE we wouldn't even be at the interview the fact that we have to pretend that we're interested in a scenario that grants…

I'm sure a lot of you here will agree on this with me.

When I was younger I didn't think much of it, but now that I'm older and realize how weird work scenarios are and how much interviews are extremely silly and just feed into this delusion that humans are made to compete with each other in order to achieve some sort of goal that humans themselves made up instead of learning how to co-exist.

The fact that some of them will have more than one step of interview, that you have to do group interviews that might leave you feeling bad if you didn't get the job or good if you do, because you were “better” than those other people.

If we actually had the CHOICE we wouldn't even be at the interview the fact that we have to pretend that we're interested in a scenario that grants us no tangible reward except for money – if the pay is reasonable that is.

That's without talking about the ones that don't display how much you get paid or will make this whole mysterious vibe around how much it is and what are the benefits (if you actually get any).

It's like indirectly saying “we're doing you a favour of getting you this job, how much you get paid shouldn't matter because you should feel like enough we chose to have you work for us”. Like DUDE, we literally need a piece of paper to feed ourselves and have somewhere to live, are you that delusional that you think we WANT this job because we have nothing better we wanted to be doing with our lives?

I've had interviews that were pretty chill and I got the job as it was a simple job, but those ones where they require you to have all these sorts of background education and skills for a pay that isn't even that good……. hm man, idk.

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