
“Back in my day -insert unnecessary struggle of a boomer-“

“Baaack in my day we used to WORK to pay off our college debt and go broke if we couldn't!!!” Sooo instead of breaking down the lock to a healthy lifestyle after education and hard work to pass college in the first place, and removing the debt barrier, we should double down and have the same system under an even harsher capitalist economy? Should we bring back some other home runs like slavery, no ramps for those pesky disabled people, barefoot and pregnant kitchen slavery..? You know, becase it would be unfair to those people that struggled that we now get to be a little more free in certain aspects?

“Baaack in my day we used to WORK to pay off our college debt and go broke if we couldn't!!!”

Sooo instead of breaking down the lock to a healthy lifestyle after education and hard work to pass college in the first place, and removing the debt barrier, we should double down and have the same system under an even harsher capitalist economy?

Should we bring back some other home runs like slavery, no ramps for those pesky disabled people, barefoot and pregnant kitchen slavery..? You know, becase it would be unfair to those people that struggled that we now get to be a little more free in certain aspects?

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