
Starting to feel hopeless about the US despite having originally came here as a refugee… Is it any better to live and work in the EU?

I’m starting to feel more and more hopeless about living in the US… I got let go from my last job because I reported my supervisors for time theft (yes I know I could look into legal action for this but I don’t have the resources nor the will to do so). This was over a month ago and unemployment is still pending an adjudication decision and whenever I call them it says all agents are busy and forcibly hangs me up. The only office they have is in Tallahassee which is hours away from where I live. I’m out of money and if I didn’t have a supportive family I’d just be homeless. The inflation is crazy and it feels like it’s nearly impossibly for anyone in my generation not born into wealth to be independent without being crushed by debt. It seems like my doctors, pharmacy, and insurance…

I’m starting to feel more and more hopeless about living in the US…

I got let go from my last job because I reported my supervisors for time theft (yes I know I could look into legal action for this but I don’t have the resources nor the will to do so). This was over a month ago and unemployment is still pending an adjudication decision and whenever I call them it says all agents are busy and forcibly hangs me up. The only office they have is in Tallahassee which is hours away from where I live. I’m out of money and if I didn’t have a supportive family I’d just be homeless. The inflation is crazy and it feels like it’s nearly impossibly for anyone in my generation not born into wealth to be independent without being crushed by debt. It seems like my doctors, pharmacy, and insurance are incapable of communicating with each other and I have to call everyone and do their jobs for them, while the healthcare itself is so expensive. Don’t even get me started on the state of politics in Florida…

There are so many other bad things and scams that have happened to me recently that I could list right now, but point is I’m really starting to feel hopeless about the state of things in America, which says a lot as my family and I originally came to this country as a beacon of hope. Mass shootings, lack of access to affordable healthcare and education, political and corporate corruption, poor infrastructure and social safety nets, insane inflation that the wages don’t match, etc etc etc…

I am working on getting citizenship to a country in the EU because I have ties there, meaning I could get EU citizenship and move and work there. I work in the political/legal field and would try to land a job with a NGO, IGO, nonprofit or think tank there based on my experience.

But… I’m wondering would it actually be any better? Has anyone here made a move like this before? Or is just like this anywhere you go and you have to accept it as an adult?

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