
Getting dumped on at work as a result of trying to be a decent person

Everyone's worked in unit with bad leadership and it's stressful not getting direction and just feeling lost. I help my coworkers under the table because I'm in a unit with bad leadership and I try to be a golden rule/pay it forward kinda fella(not Starbucks pay it forward. Fuck those people). I helped my coworkers under the table because my lead worker and supervisor never did a great job assisting and I didn't want them to think I was undermining them when they gave bad help… I didn't mind my bad leadership because my job is easy and while I could stand to make more money, I'm happy doing what I do for the most part… I knew how to do my daily tasks and could get my 8 hour day done in a couple hours total of actual work while goofing off the rest. I even taped my mouse…

Everyone's worked in unit with bad leadership and it's stressful not getting direction and just feeling lost. I help my coworkers under the table because I'm in a unit with bad leadership and I try to be a golden rule/pay it forward kinda fella(not Starbucks pay it forward. Fuck those people). I helped my coworkers under the table because my lead worker and supervisor never did a great job assisting and I didn't want them to think I was undermining them when they gave bad help… I didn't mind my bad leadership because my job is easy and while I could stand to make more money, I'm happy doing what I do for the most part… I knew how to do my daily tasks and could get my 8 hour day done in a couple hours total of actual work while goofing off the rest. I even taped my mouse to an oscillating fan so I never timed out.

Anyway, we have a public recognition system at work for people to recognize other coworkers and give praise for everyone to see. These m'fers I have been helping just found out about it a few months ago and constantly send thank you notes to recognize me. I'm grateful for their appreciation, but since that started my workload has drastically changed. And I'm not digging my current situation. I'm now a mentor to other coworkers, being dubbed as such by my supervisor, being asked to be an end user tester on new software, my workload was shifted so I'm now working other people's difficult tasks and my production is now slipping. My supervisor ensures me verbally that this is ok and not an issue for performance evals, but never actually writes it down in email over our messenger program. I'm worried about being put on a PIP unexpectedly in the future when my dumbass supervisor realizes she's over leveraged me and caused me to miss production targets.

Are there any pushovers that never advocate for themselves out there that have a solution to going back to doing what I was doing before or is it a total loss at this point and should I just go find another job? I don't think a normal conversation will suffice to get my point over to my supervisor. I feel like third party mediation will be necessary.

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