
To hell with the managers and the companies who doesn’t think the employee work hard enough like they do.

These people are incredibly self-center for wanting to chase out a good worker while leaving the bad ones employed. Back in my great grandad time they didn't even have jobs. They have to live off the land and were able to take care of themselves. Now days we are force to deal with Neanderthals for next to nothing. People are doing the right thing by dropping out the workforce altogether. Unfortunately not all of us come from a rich family so we have to WORK for a living. If I'm going continue working I am going to find jobs that are away from people. Working away from people may be the way to go.

These people are incredibly self-center for wanting to chase out a good worker while leaving the bad ones employed. Back in my great grandad time they didn't even have jobs. They have to live off the land and were able to take care of themselves. Now days we are force to deal with Neanderthals for next to nothing. People are doing the right thing by dropping out the workforce altogether. Unfortunately not all of us come from a rich family so we have to WORK for a living.

If I'm going continue working I am going to find jobs that are away from people. Working away from people may be the way to go.

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