
Stupid f*** employers

Strangers. Josip here. I read a couple of titles in the sub and I'm not in that big of a deal situation but still I'd like to hear opinions. I work a dairy farm, Ireland. Only employee to a family farm working with mostly just my boss. I don't care for relations, I do try not to be an asshole, but I'm here to work and I do it good. But seems that I'm expected to suck dick and to demise of my work quality which I simply can not do. Period. I'm my own and I work for money, not someone so I can't get over that. Hence my boss doesn't like me and does what he can to let me know, making up shit to do when there isn't any – he said at the interview when it's summertime my hours will even out with the season before…

Strangers. Josip here. I read a couple of titles in the sub and I'm not in that big of a deal situation but still I'd like to hear opinions. I work a dairy farm, Ireland. Only employee to a family farm working with mostly just my boss. I don't care for relations, I do try not to be an asshole, but I'm here to work and I do it good. But seems that I'm expected to suck dick and to demise of my work quality which I simply can not do. Period. I'm my own and I work for money, not someone so I can't get over that. Hence my boss doesn't like me and does what he can to let me know, making up shit to do when there isn't any – he said at the interview when it's summertime my hours will even out with the season before because there isn't much to do, and still he's having me do stupid shit. It's not all that ridiculous but it shouldn't be in my job description. I live here on the farm BTW. He'll have me do the milking on my own both times of the day, getting up an hour earlier because of that and not getting paid for it. Overtime is not a word in Irish neither. I am an immigrant and it's hard enough to be here by myself. I'm also expected to work all Saturdays even though he said he'll ask me to only when he has to. So later I refused him, but on occasion I do, when he asks and it's obvious he really needs it. But I am mostly a complicit worker and I feel being used and abused for it. Seems like no matter the quality of your work, and I do quality job, my old employers want me back still, you cannot get a break. To get a raise is to suck someone off on an hourly base, fuck how good you are. My accommodation is 'free' with a pay of 1800€. Jobs like these are in abundance in Ireland and it's not a risk for me to fuck off when I see fit. What do you think? They need me as much as I need them and my philosophy is to make myself indispensable but they never recognize that until I'm calling quits. Also is there anyone that works a farm with an opinion?

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