
Have y’all ever worked a job that y’all enjoyed?

I wanna preface this by saying: I don't want to come off as me bragging or anything. I absolutely hate the fact I'm expected to work for my whole life to be able to afford the basic necessities of life. I don't think its possible to enjoy the concept of work. With that being said… …I've recently graduated from Uni and landed a job in the healthcare industry at the hospital I was born at. I rotated through here and enjoyed my time here. I have everything I could ever want from a job; the commute is under a half-hour to and from (unless the occasional accident causes a traffic jam), I have co-workers my age who I can talk to and relate to. I have benefits, the workload isn't too much and the hours are alright. A tangent: One coworker is vegan and drops little hints to push people…

I wanna preface this by saying: I don't want to come off as me bragging or anything. I absolutely hate the fact I'm expected to work for my whole life to be able to afford the basic necessities of life. I don't think its possible to enjoy the concept of work. With that being said…

…I've recently graduated from Uni and landed a job in the healthcare industry at the hospital I was born at. I rotated through here and enjoyed my time here. I have everything I could ever want from a job; the commute is under a half-hour to and from (unless the occasional accident causes a traffic jam), I have co-workers my age who I can talk to and relate to. I have benefits, the workload isn't too much and the hours are alright.

A tangent: One coworker is vegan and drops little hints to push people towards veganism. She's my favorite, so far. There's a good amount of diversity, which on the surface level doesn't mean much, but so far, everyone is able to recognize my culture and can successfully pronounce my name.

I just had to stop and wonder. I've been a Leftist for a while and I still very much am an advocate for Leftism and antiwork — even moreso now that I have a full time job. But I'm curious, do y'all have / ever have worked a job that you genuinely enjoyed or at least tolerated really well?

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