
Who knew I could be useful

I’m a proper capitalist worker, worked in finance in the the city (London) for 25 years, have the expected wife and 2 kids (Uni and GCSE respectively) holiday each year and have a gardener and a cleaner. All sounds perfect. However I felt like crap. Covid didn’t help but tbh I felt rubbish for years. Got some help from a GP and got some medication. It helped. But do you know what really helped, being told by my wife that I needed something else in my life. Finding a local Food bank linked to a church (I’m not religious in any way). Being there first as a driver to pick up the food and delivering it to the bank, but more importantly being on the counter, talking to real people (ok some may be pulling a fast one but most aren’t), but actually connecting and helping. I’ve got more satisfaction…

I’m a proper capitalist worker, worked in finance in the the city (London) for 25 years, have the expected wife and 2 kids (Uni and GCSE respectively) holiday each year and have a gardener and a cleaner. All sounds perfect. However I felt like crap. Covid didn’t help but tbh I felt rubbish for years. Got some help from a GP and got some medication. It helped. But do you know what really helped, being told by my wife that I needed something else in my life. Finding a local Food bank linked to a church (I’m not religious in any way). Being there first as a driver to pick up the food and delivering it to the bank, but more importantly being on the counter, talking to real people (ok some may be pulling a fast one but most aren’t), but actually connecting and helping. I’ve got more satisfaction from the 2 hours on a Friday morning than I have for the last 20 years in the corporate world.

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