
Updated: Fired and given a severance package with a NDA I knocked the PIP out of the water but the today was my last day and after I completed morning duties, pulled into the office and was handed pink slip with a severance package but there is a clause of if I was sign I would waive the right to file a EEOC claim for the pregnancy, an NDA to not speak about my employment there AND there is a ten day period to agree with today being counted as day 1. It is ironically labor day weekend and because of the holiday, it really only 2 days to read over and negotiate. Oh and they can withhold my last paycheck. But I can claim unemployment so there is that. I feel oddly calm, no more daily panic attacks. My blood pressure is down and I got to have a lunch longer than 30 mins. I'll probably sign for…

I knocked the PIP out of the water but the today was my last day and after I completed morning duties, pulled into the office and was handed pink slip with a severance package but there is a clause of if I was sign I would waive the right to file a EEOC claim for the pregnancy, an NDA to not speak about my employment there AND there is a ten day period to agree with today being counted as day 1. It is ironically labor day weekend and because of the holiday, it really only 2 days to read over and negotiate. Oh and they can withhold my last paycheck. But I can claim unemployment so there is that.

I feel oddly calm, no more daily panic attacks. My blood pressure is down and I got to have a lunch longer than 30 mins. I'll probably sign for the package and file unemployment because I don't have the funds not too.

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