
To My GM Who Gave Me So Much BS

Read the full story in the comment section * I hope all is well with you and the team. I am reaching out to explain as to why I decided to no longer work with RaceTrac. First and foremost, during my training for the associate and manager positions, I have worked my absolute hardest to ensure I met your expectations as well as RaceTrac’s. I was open to learning and I was open to taking criticism. I was honored to be trained by the top best and I enjoyed working with the team. However, I was eventually disappointed and shocked after hearing the results— from you— about my performance. The first time I received your evaluation, I took everything into consideration and made sure I was on top of everything. The second time I received your evaluation, I was rather confused as two of the main things showed up on…

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I hope all is well with you and the team. I am reaching out to explain as to why I decided to no longer work with RaceTrac. First and foremost, during my training for the associate and manager positions, I have worked my absolute hardest to ensure I met your expectations as well as RaceTrac’s. I was open to learning and I was open to taking criticism. I was honored to be trained by the top best and I enjoyed working with the team. However, I was eventually disappointed and shocked after hearing the results— from you— about my performance. The first time I received your evaluation, I took everything into consideration and made sure I was on top of everything. The second time I received your evaluation, I was rather confused as two of the main things showed up on the paper (that were shown on the first evaluation). I knew I have provided better results than previously— “Staying on top of food and greeting every guest.” After our conversation, I reached out to Rosa to talk to her about my evaluation and if that was the feedback she provided from the day before. She stated she wasn’t aware of the evaluation, so I have yet to wonder where did you gather your information to form this evaluation without Rosa’s awareness or involvement? After all, you base your evaluation according to what you hear from the other managers. Furthermore, after the third evaluation came along, the same exact “opportunities” were shown. With all due respect, I have worked truly hard to ensure I met your expectations and yet you “still didn’t trust me” and didn’t think I was “ready.” I have pictures of the way I kept rollergrill and hot case, yet the day of you tell me you cannot trust me with food because I left “cooking behind line” signs for more than an hour? Not only that, but calling me more of a follower than a leader when it came to greeting people. First of all, every time someone came in, I would be occupied doing a task. Therefore, I would greet people when I hear associates greet people because that’s when I noticed someone came in. I cannot greet every guest and it is absolutely ridiculous that despite you saying you understand, you kept telling me about the “specific people” that I did not greet. If I hadn’t greet them, it’s because I didn’t notice them. I greeted every customer that came in to the best of my ability. Finally, the reason the store looked rough beforehand was because it was a busy day with only a few of us working that day. We prioritized the most important tasks, as I had learn from YOUR team. Even after I tried to speak up and voice my thoughts, you shut me down and not only was I disrespected, I clearly wasn’t taken serious. I lost my full respect for you and clearly I wasn’t meeting your expectations. Even then, with the kind of work environment you have built, it wouldn’t have been meant for me. I am not sorry for leaving, but I am sorry that you’re the reason I left. All in all, I wish you the best. May the new associates and managers that go to your store do not have to go through the same experience I had.

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