
Preferential treatment

One of my colleagues got promoted to the position of supervisor (let's call her A) in May. She is a good friend of another colleague, B. For some reasons, B seems to dislike me. She always stares at me while I'm speaking with the supervisor, and B never says hi to me, although she greets everyone else. She's very friendly with everyone except me. Initially, she was nice, but after my extended vacation, it seems she started to resent me. When I returned from my vacation, if someone asked me about it, she would loudly interrupt and change the topic. As a result, people only approached me when B wasn't around, or they would whisper, “Tell me more about trip!” She hardly talks to me, except when absolutely necessary. I'm not sure what I did to her. Maybe it's because I took a lengthy vacation, and she had to cover…

One of my colleagues got promoted to the position of supervisor (let's call her A) in May. She is a good friend of another colleague, B. For some reasons, B seems to dislike me. She always stares at me while I'm speaking with the supervisor, and B never says hi to me, although she greets everyone else. She's very friendly with everyone except me. Initially, she was nice, but after my extended vacation, it seems she started to resent me. When I returned from my vacation, if someone asked me about it, she would loudly interrupt and change the topic. As a result, people only approached me when B wasn't around, or they would whisper, “Tell me more about trip!” She hardly talks to me, except when absolutely necessary. I'm not sure what I did to her. Maybe it's because I took a lengthy vacation, and she had to cover for me? Or perhaps it's because I, as a new employee, took a two-week vacation? It was for my 10-year anniversary.

We rotate assignments every two months. Since A became the supervisor, she's been assigning very light tasks to B, to the point where B constantly looks at her phone. As a newer employee (less than six months), A assigns me a significant workload. One of my colleagues overheard B telling A to give me more work, and A agreed. Now I find myself buried under a pile of paperwork. It feels unfair, and I want to refuse, but I'm afraid of being fired for insubordination.

A and B always do things together, attending meetings and training sessions, except for supervisor training. They even posted pictures of their dogs on the wall without inviting the rest of us to do the same. While it's cute, it also shows how the supervisor is influenced by her close friend.

Two other colleagues agree that they are ganging up to make my job hard.

What would you do? Go to A’s manager?

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