
slowly falling further and further behind and I feel like it’s my fault

I’ve been working at the same restaurant for almost 7 years now. It’s all season dependent so I can’t really even tell you how much I make. it’s a great serving gig and I love it, but It’s not consistent and I just graduated college this past april (communication design degree, yes I know). I also drive 40 miles one way for work so I always pray I have a good day that’ll make it worth the 80 miles round trip, and also coming home to my wife and kid asleep (less time spent with them) I understand that in that degree it might take a bit more time, it just happens. nothing is overnight. I have a regular resume, design resume, and online portfolio. But it’s almost month 5 of constantly applying to jobs within my degree, even have gone slightly out. office, hybrid, remote, even areas my fiancé…

I’ve been working at the same restaurant for almost 7 years now. It’s all season dependent so I can’t really even tell you how much I make. it’s a great serving gig and I love it, but It’s not consistent and I just graduated college this past april (communication design degree, yes I know). I also drive 40 miles one way for work so I always pray I have a good day that’ll make it worth the 80 miles round trip, and also coming home to my wife and kid asleep (less time spent with them) I understand that in that degree it might take a bit more time, it just happens. nothing is overnight. I have a regular resume, design resume, and online portfolio. But it’s almost month 5 of constantly applying to jobs within my degree, even have gone slightly out. office, hybrid, remote, even areas my fiancé and I would be willing to relocate to for a better life. I’ve had no success. out of that 5 months i’ve probably applied to 200 positions and I got interviewed at one, just to be declined (entry level, ad said no experience required) because another applicant had worked with another company they had worked with. cool. how am I ever supposed to get my foot in the door if someone won’t give me a chance. my fiancé breaks down at least once a month because of how bad it’s gotten and I feel terrible. we’ve had to ask friends and family to help us out and thank goodness they can, but it still feels awful not being able to provide for yourself and your family (fiancé and daughter who is 1 yo). she works twice a week and stays with our daughter the rest of the week while I work.

the only jobs i’ve gotten offers at were marketing where you stand outside walmart and sell phones type shit. and it was so weird because I don’t even think I applied. and they both lied about pay. I wasn’t going to put myself through that. it was commission pay. Nope.

i’ve also gotten the classic recruiter reach out and ghost about 4 times, one of them being a relocation. the last one reached out, told me applied, got interview, declined. sick.

it’s gotten to the point to where i’ve just settled for a driving hourly job that is offering full time hours just to have some stable income and still serve tables every other saturday to make more of that goal of $1000 a week we have. yes that’s how poor we are Lol. we make like 30k a year together as of right now. closer to 50k a year for us would be life changing in our state.

sorry for the ramble it’s a bit all over the place, i’m just sick of living like this and seeing my fiancé break down every month. we literally can’t pay rent this month till a week after and texted our landlord in hopes that he won’t charge us the late fee. then we have to worry about what that money would’ve been used for for the next bills. we called our bank to reverse overdraft fees yesterday. is a liveable salary and someone to give me a single chance too much to ask. fuck.

edit: state- oklahoma

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