
Overtime Request Before Vacation

I work as an assistant at a national NGO. One of my responsibilities was to implement all changes requested by French copy editors into this national document that is way past due. It’s been in the hands of so many translators and copy editors, it’s ridiculous! Earlier this year, I asked our CEO if I could take vacation to my home country for 4 weeks. He agreed to 2 weeks paid and 2 weeks unpaid. Cool. Yesterday, our copy editor emailed us an update saying she has about 20 pages left in the document. I emailed her back thanking her and letting her know she doesn’t need to rush as I will be working on it ONCE I’m back in the country early October from vacation. I thought it was fine as it won’t be released until late November. I received an email yesterday from my CEO asking me to…

I work as an assistant at a national NGO. One of my responsibilities was to implement all changes requested by French copy editors into this national document that is way past due. It’s been in the hands of so many translators and copy editors, it’s ridiculous!

Earlier this year, I asked our CEO if I could take vacation to my home country for 4 weeks. He agreed to 2 weeks paid and 2 weeks unpaid. Cool. Yesterday, our copy editor emailed us an update saying she has about 20 pages left in the document. I emailed her back thanking her and letting her know she doesn’t need to rush as I will be working on it ONCE I’m back in the country early October from vacation. I thought it was fine as it won’t be released until late November.

I received an email yesterday from my CEO asking me to take overtime. How do you interpret this?:

“If we can’t manage to move it all, I would be very open to pre-approving overtime that could be used against the 2 weeks you are taking unpaid.”

He wants me to work OT BEFORE I leave or DURING? What’s he saying? Either way, I’m pissed. He has known that I will be going on vacation for MONTHS. This document has been way past due because of their negligence but now I’m expected to take overtime to cover for them? I don’t care about the money, it’s the PRINCIPLE. Moreover, I value my time. As my flight is in one week, I have already booked my vacay prep appointments (nails, wax, hair, etc) AFTER work hours. It’s rude and petty to ask me to work extra hours right before my vacation. Also why not get someone else to do it while I’m away if you’re so pressed? I already agreed to my two weeks unpaid in writing!!! Some of us prioritize our TIME.


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