
My boss told me to watch my tone and I don’t know why

I work in retail at the airport so obviously it is a busy and stressful environment. I came back from my break and I was giving directions to a new guy to another shop of ours to cover their break when I got a phone call from the stand-in Team Leader (Our mangers aren't in on weekends so we have team leaders instead, and our usual team leader was on holiday today). She asks where the guy covering breaks is and I explain the situation. She hangs up on me and then messages me saying “watch your tone with me, I don't want to hear that ever again”. I'm confused more than anything because I was talking normally and answered her questions. I have a bit of a cold so I'm wondering if she thought I was being rude bc my voice is a bit lower than usual? I replied…

I work in retail at the airport so obviously it is a busy and stressful environment. I came back from my break and I was giving directions to a new guy to another shop of ours to cover their break when I got a phone call from the stand-in Team Leader (Our mangers aren't in on weekends so we have team leaders instead, and our usual team leader was on holiday today). She asks where the guy covering breaks is and I explain the situation. She hangs up on me and then messages me saying “watch your tone with me, I don't want to hear that ever again”. I'm confused more than anything because I was talking normally and answered her questions. I have a bit of a cold so I'm wondering if she thought I was being rude bc my voice is a bit lower than usual? I replied with “did I say something wrong?” and she replied with “just watch your tone”. I have no clue what I've done and I'm a bit intimidated now, I have a bad history with conflict bc it usually ends up with me having a panic attack. I think this is the tipping point for me because I've been considering quitting.

Sorry just wanted to get it off my chest.

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