
Not allowed to have any sort of availability as a FT employee, but select few other FT coworkers have strict set schedules? What gives?

Gonna try and explain my situation. So I am a FT employee at my company, a retail store. Recently I tried to adjust my availability so I didn't close all the time. I was happy working whatever position at whatever times so long as I got out in the late afternoon. I was happy to work a closing shift every now and then, basically trying to be as flexible as possible. When I wasn't at work one day the main store manager asked my boss where I was one night and they told him I changed availability. He apparently took that personally because the next day he pulled me aside and basically told me if I want to be FT, I have to have open availability. If I didn't want to close every night I would have to lose my benefits and get my hours cut. The issue I'm having…

Gonna try and explain my situation.

So I am a FT employee at my company, a retail store. Recently I tried to adjust my availability so I didn't close all the time. I was happy working whatever position at whatever times so long as I got out in the late afternoon. I was happy to work a closing shift every now and then, basically trying to be as flexible as possible.

When I wasn't at work one day the main store manager asked my boss where I was one night and they told him I changed availability. He apparently took that personally because the next day he pulled me aside and basically told me if I want to be FT, I have to have open availability. If I didn't want to close every night I would have to lose my benefits and get my hours cut.

The issue I'm having is there are plenty of employees in my department who work full time hours, even getting more hours than me sometimes, and they have strict set schedules. I have never seen any of these people here past 4pm in the 6+ years I've worked at this place.

When I brought this up to the store manager during our conversation he basically shut it down by saying “They work that time because thats when they work.” When I bring it up to my department bosses they basically just shrug their shoulders and have no answer. It should also be noted that these other workers do the same job as me, they aren't specialized employees doing anything different than me (they also don't do anything else unlike everybody else who's expected to be proficient in multiple venues; again, our job descriptions aren't different so they don't have the excuse of “its not their job”).

This whole situation has really rubbed me the wrong way. I really do feel like I'm being taken advantage of. 6+ years of being told I'm one of the hardest workers in the department but am consistently denied any attempt to have a more livable schedule and told what I want is impossible despite every day seeing examples of that not being true and when I push this with my bosses they just shrug and have no answer. It feels like something shady is going on and its really pushed me towards looking at new jobs.

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