
Working on acceptance after career goals don’t work out?

Hey there – I'm a non-profit office worker and feel like I've hit a hard limit on opportunities. I'm consistently getting passed over or ignored for leadership and funding in favor of nepo babies, Ivy Leaguers and go-along-get-along types who don't really have vision (at least in my opinion). I'm middle aged and don't anticipate having enough capital to start my own thing any time soon. I've experimented with a few other career paths but have had bad luck with partners and bosses who don't follow through on their commitments. I'm feeling beaten down and wondering if anyone has good resources for acceptance? I feel like the Buddhist concept around suffering coming from desire resonates with me. I want to try letting go of the assumptions I have around success and a career. I can keep trying other paths, but I'm asking myself if this is it, can I learn…

Hey there – I'm a non-profit office worker and feel like I've hit a hard limit on opportunities. I'm consistently getting passed over or ignored for leadership and funding in favor of nepo babies, Ivy Leaguers and go-along-get-along types who don't really have vision (at least in my opinion).

I'm middle aged and don't anticipate having enough capital to start my own thing any time soon. I've experimented with a few other career paths but have had bad luck with partners and bosses who don't follow through on their commitments.

I'm feeling beaten down and wondering if anyone has good resources for acceptance? I feel like the Buddhist concept around suffering coming from desire resonates with me. I want to try letting go of the assumptions I have around success and a career. I can keep trying other paths, but I'm asking myself if this is it, can I learn to live with that?

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