
Fake sense of urgency is absolutely killing my desire to work! Why is that fake sense of urgency even needed?

FYI. I am neither saving lives or performing some complex surgeries for living nor developing some space/military jets of some sort. In fact, the company is doing great and has been in the business for a real long while. It is just some office job. I actually do like working there and some people are pretty ok, however, I am absolutely hating the “let's drop everything and complete the urgent request from the big boss now!” thing esepcially when I get a message like that on my personal phone over the weekend… Like it can 100% wait until Monday, tell me first thing in the morning and we should be cool… jeez you seriously expect me to login on Saturday at 11:30 PM and complete that 20-30 min request that will only be reviewed Monday – Tuesday?? And the most ironic thing that it is not even urgent at all,…

FYI. I am neither saving lives or performing some complex surgeries for living nor developing some space/military jets of some sort. In fact, the company is doing great and has been in the business for a real long while. It is just some office job.

I actually do like working there and some people are pretty ok, however, I am absolutely hating the “let's drop everything and complete the urgent request from the big boss now!” thing esepcially when I get a message like that on my personal phone over the weekend… Like it can 100% wait until Monday, tell me first thing in the morning and we should be cool… jeez you seriously expect me to login on Saturday at 11:30 PM and complete that 20-30 min request that will only be reviewed Monday – Tuesday??

And the most ironic thing that it is not even urgent at all, nobody is dying, nothing is burning, no interruptions to the business flow of things (idk.. accidents, catastrophies, stock market crashes, etc.).. just “some numbers we want to look at if we replace X with Y for the project we are thinking of implementing next year”.

I remember there was even a moment where I left for a lunch break and shortly before returning to work, I checked my personal phone and OMG I got multiple missed calls from my boss and a message of a kind: “Where are you, I tried reaching out to you.. We need to fill the request for a big boss and it is urgent!” And of course, nothing urgent at all.. requesting same freaking details for some hypothetical project that has never been reviewed I think.. Jeez some people don't even take lunch breaks because they are expecting requests from their boss… Can't believe that is real, but it is!

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