

The United States, a country where even the homeless can be evicted from under a bridge because cities are more concerned with mopping up the portrayal of their streets than helping those who live in such conditions. The United States, a country without universal healthcare policies, resulting in healthcare inequality in which the wealthy have far superior healthcare resources than the poor; those who are nearing, are at, or are below the poverty line are less likely to have insurance, and, as a result, are more likely to die from illnesses. Having poor health increases your risk of developing things such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, tuberculosis and suchlike. And if you are impoverished and manage to get treatment at a facility by chance, you are likely to receive subpar care and will still probably be ripped off. The United States, an “advanced” country where any future medical advances,…

The United States, a country where even the homeless can be evicted from under a bridge because cities are more concerned with mopping up the portrayal of their streets than helping those who live in such conditions. The United States, a country without universal healthcare policies, resulting in healthcare inequality in which the wealthy have far superior healthcare resources than the poor; those who are nearing, are at, or are below the poverty line are less likely to have insurance, and, as a result, are more likely to die from illnesses. Having poor health increases your risk of developing things such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, tuberculosis and suchlike. And if you are impoverished and manage to get treatment at a facility by chance, you are likely to receive subpar care and will still probably be ripped off. The United States, an “advanced” country where any future medical advances, such as new pharmaceuticals to fight diseases, will undoubtedly benefit only the socially privileged rich, as the unprivileged poor window shop.

The United States, a country with a high infant mortality rate due to a lack of prenatal and postnatal treatment for poor pregnant women, culminating in death due to untreated complications. The United States, a country LACKING fully operational housing plans made available to those who need it because such a thing involves effort, funding, and upkeep, which the United States government has no interest in providing for its own people (a good example is Pruitt-Igoe). Any state and local government run facilities that do exist are frequently prone to a lack of funding, space, and care because being poor means nothing to them. The United States, a country with a FUCKED housing market, where the majority of one's salary is wasted on renting a place that will never be theirs. Working two dead end part time jobs or one full time dead end job, and splitting the rent between two roommates who spy on you as you jerk off is the american dream for some people. The fucking United States, a place where you are bought and paid for; one lives to work, especially five to six days a week, while still making minimum wage to pay off the bare necessities needed for survival. Where the rich profit off of debt, and the poor get fucked by it.

The United States, a country with the shittiest labor laws, which compel businesses to treat their employees like fucking shit. There are no known (to me) federal laws requiring a minimum wage increase. So many businesses treat their employees like dog turds because the federal government is setting an example: if a person is bought and paid for, do whatever you want to them as long as you give them some scraps and loose change. The United States, a country with a severe mental health crisis on its hands, is a result of the fact that everything else in this country is broken beyond fuck, so it comes with the territory. The United States, a country where sick, fatigued, and overworked people struggle to make ends meet, must accept the fact that their suffering will continue as long as they are alive. The United States, a country with a flawed criminal justice system that more closely resembles corrupt business than anything else. The government does not aid those in destitute like conditions because those who lack necessities, and electricity, cut-off water, no heating or air conditioning, with little to no food can lead to illicit activity, which is what keeps jails and prisons in business.

The United States, a country with a FUCKED up educational system that is purposefully meant to keep you dumb and in line. You never learn about money or finances in grade school because the government does not want you to be wealthy or even financially stable, so they get kids used to being poor by serving fucking garbage school lunches. Kids who rely on school lunches because of a shitty America home life consume school supplied turds for most of their diet; a crappy diet leads to crappy mental and physical health, and some people wonder why kids lack motivation. Either during or post grade school, you are conditioned to attend college in order to land “a higher wage position than most,” not because you want to do what you attend college for, but because you do not want to be poor. If you are a person of average to below average intelligence, you end up settling for shit in college that is easy, not desirable, and rely on quizlet for test answers because the shitty fucking course material is uninteresting. If you're not careful, you end up being robbed blind by student debt while only being qualified for fast food wage jobs that require either a bachelor's or masters degree. And you still end up spending the majority of your life hustling for a paycheck that ends up funding your landlord's crack addiction. This place is a MOTHER FUCKING catastrophe. If you want to work five to six days a week for NOTHING, then so be it. However, don’t call me entitled if you see a problem with me having some fucking self worth. Fuck this stupid, fucking insult of a dumbass country.

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