
Take this job and shove it (anthem for this sub)

I quit my bs job, the pay sucked and my boss was an absolute moron. A friend of mine also quit his job (he hated his boss) and when I met up with him, we had a couple of beers and he played 'Take this job and shove it' by Johnny Paycheck. I'd never heard this song before, I absolutely love it and play it everyday now. I'm thinking of moving down to Mexico to live on the cheap for awhile, I can't face looking for another bs job. If there ever was an anthem or soundtrack for this sub, this song would definitely be it.

I quit my bs job, the pay sucked and my boss was an absolute moron. A friend of mine also quit his job (he hated his boss) and when I met up with him, we had a couple of beers and he played 'Take this job and shove it' by Johnny Paycheck. I'd never heard this song before, I absolutely love it and play it everyday now. I'm thinking of moving down to Mexico to live on the cheap for awhile, I can't face looking for another bs job. If there ever was an anthem or soundtrack for this sub, this song would definitely be it.

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