
I feel unjust after being let go

I recently lost my job, and I'm feeling pretty devastated. The reason cited was attendance, but I had always been transparent about my situation. I have a disability that comes with long-term side effects from radiation treatment, affecting my bowels, urination, and digestion. I had communicated this to my supervisors, even providing a comprehensive medical history report. Last week, I missed a day and had to leave early on another day due to severe health issues. My supervisor asked me to come in earlier for the rest of the week to make up for it, which I agreed to. However, the next day, during my first break, I was called into an office and told I was fired due to attendance. I can't help but feel like this was targeted, especially considering I had informed my supervisor about my health and the delay in seeing a physician due to waiting…

I recently lost my job, and I'm feeling pretty devastated. The reason cited was attendance, but I had always been transparent about my situation. I have a disability that comes with long-term side effects from radiation treatment, affecting my bowels, urination, and digestion. I had communicated this to my supervisors, even providing a comprehensive medical history report.

Last week, I missed a day and had to leave early on another day due to severe health issues. My supervisor asked me to come in earlier for the rest of the week to make up for it, which I agreed to. However, the next day, during my first break, I was called into an office and told I was fired due to attendance.

I can't help but feel like this was targeted, especially considering I had informed my supervisor about my health and the delay in seeing a physician due to waiting for my medical benefits to kick in.

Does this situation seem unfair to you all? What steps, if any, can I take in this situation? Your advice and insights would mean a lot to me. Thanks in advance.

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