
I’m not cut out for it

I honestly don't know what else to say. I feel like the cards have been against me from the moment I was born. I just want to vent. I'm a disabled woman. I'm not at all physically disabled, but mental illness, ADHD, and ASD have impacted my ability to work. I went undiagnosed with my ADHD for 24 years. Maybe because I finally noticed it that I have been unable to do any retail job. I've been fired many times before and after I knew about it BECAUSE OF IT. I'm unemployed and a “housewife” and can't spend a lot of money to get treatment other than (legal) medical marijuana. And because of my gap in employment and “drug use,” I can't find any decent work. I have a degree in English and a degree in French but no teaching certificate. The stress and money I'd need to have to…

I honestly don't know what else to say. I feel like the cards have been against me from the moment I was born. I just want to vent.

I'm a disabled woman. I'm not at all physically disabled, but mental illness, ADHD, and ASD have impacted my ability to work. I went undiagnosed with my ADHD for 24 years. Maybe because I finally noticed it that I have been unable to do any retail job. I've been fired many times before and after I knew about it BECAUSE OF IT. I'm unemployed and a “housewife” and can't spend a lot of money to get treatment other than (legal) medical marijuana. And because of my gap in employment and “drug use,” I can't find any decent work. I have a degree in English and a degree in French but no teaching certificate. The stress and money I'd need to have to get that done would kill me.

I've decided to give up on work. My partner is a grad student, and we can live off his stipend if we don't buy extra things. I don't qualify for disability. I'm content enough as a SAHW, but I do miss having friends outside of my partner and hobbies outside the house. The system is beyond broken when it comes to even “minorly” disabled people like me. So how can it help anyone anymore?

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