
GotGhostedFYI – a place to see which companies ghost interview candidates

Hope you're all doing well. We've all been there – we apply for a job, go through the interview process, and then… silence. It's frustrating, disappointing, and, unfortunately, quite common. That's why I re-released GotGhosted.FYI. What is GotGhosted.FYI? GotGhosted.FYI is a platform where job seekers can share their experiences of being ghosted by companies after interviews. By gathering these experiences, we aim to bring awareness to this unprofessional behavior and help job seekers make more informed choices about where to apply. How Does It Work? Share Your Experience: Anonymously submit your ghosting story, mentioning the company and any other relevant details. View which other companies ghost their candidates Down the road, the plan is to create tools where we can anonymously chat with one another, share interview questions and experiences, and create an exclusive job board of companies that DO NOT ghost interview candidates. We believe that transparency can lead…

Hope you're all doing well. We've all been there – we apply for a job, go through the interview process, and then… silence. It's frustrating, disappointing, and, unfortunately, quite common. That's why I re-released GotGhosted.FYI.

What is GotGhosted.FYI?

GotGhosted.FYI is a platform where job seekers can share their experiences of being ghosted by companies after interviews. By gathering these experiences, we aim to bring awareness to this unprofessional behavior and help job seekers make more informed choices about where to apply.

How Does It Work?

  1. Share Your Experience: Anonymously submit your ghosting story, mentioning the company and any other relevant details.
  2. View which other companies ghost their candidates

Down the road, the plan is to create tools where we can anonymously chat with one another, share interview questions and experiences, and create an exclusive job board of companies that DO NOT ghost interview candidates.

We believe that transparency can lead to better job market practices. If you've been ghosted, consider sharing your experience and help us bring transparency to the job search process.

Feel free to check it out: GotGhosted.FYI

Feedback is always welcome. Together, we can make the job search a little less frustrating for everyone.

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