
There are the bad employers, and then there is my dad.

First two screenshots are from tonight, next two are from months prior. My dad owns a few franchise restaurants, and he’s had this cashier hired since the opening of this location a little over a year ago. For the entirety of the past year, she’ll frequently have reasons to not show up, sometimes legitimate like being at the doctors. Albeit so frequently that it’s become obvious that 90% of these visits are more than likely just excuses. More often than not, she’ll have some reason to call out directly after pay cheques arrive and despite supposedly going to the doctors—will show up with a new tattoo the day after. I have urged my dad to fire this person on multiple occasions, but he doesn’t have the heart to do it because she’s a young single mother. He is too empathetic.

First two screenshots are from tonight, next two are from months prior.

My dad owns a few franchise restaurants, and he’s had this cashier hired since the opening of this location a little over a year ago. For the entirety of the past year, she’ll frequently have reasons to not show up, sometimes legitimate like being at the doctors. Albeit so frequently that it’s become obvious that 90% of these visits are more than likely just excuses. More often than not, she’ll have some reason to call out directly after pay cheques arrive and despite supposedly going to the doctors—will show up with a new tattoo the day after.

I have urged my dad to fire this person on multiple occasions, but he doesn’t have the heart to do it because she’s a young single mother. He is too empathetic.

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