
Unfairness in my workplace

Every 5 weeks my workplace does 1 on 1 meetings to check the teams performance. Our workplace opened 5 weeks ago and the whole team is new. I myself believe I work very hard and get more than enough done with each shift. I stay behind and an extra 30 minutes to an hour and clean and set-up for the next team member. Today I had my 1 on 1 meeting. I walked in expecting to receive some small feedback about little things I do wrong. Instead I got fed lies. “We heard from a few team members that you don't clean, don't really work much and stand around. The second your shift ends you leave without helping with anything.” My heart dropped. I responded “whos said this?” “Oh a few people who you've worked with” the only person I've worked with for the past 2 weeks is James. James…

Every 5 weeks my workplace does 1 on 1 meetings to check the teams performance. Our workplace opened 5 weeks ago and the whole team is new. I myself believe I work very hard and get more than enough done with each shift. I stay behind and an extra 30 minutes to an hour and clean and set-up for the next team member.

Today I had my 1 on 1 meeting. I walked in expecting to receive some small feedback about little things I do wrong. Instead I got fed lies. “We heard from a few team members that you don't clean, don't really work much and stand around. The second your shift ends you leave without helping with anything.” My heart dropped. I responded “whos said this?” “Oh a few people who you've worked with” the only person I've worked with for the past 2 weeks is James. James is a slack ass. He watches the footy while we work, sits in the break room on his phone and doesn't help at all. The management team love him though, they go to drinks together, get food together and overall is loved by the management team. He literally puts an act on when they are around and blames all the work he didn't do on me. I copped it for abit but the fact that now I'm in 2 week supervision and if I dont “perform” better I'm fired feels unfair.

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