
Boss has been cutting my hours. This week they gave me 0. Advice?

Not sure what to do. Past month I've gotten about 10-12 hours per week. It's a part time job while I'm in college, so I didn't expect much, but this is really lowballing it. I've already talked with my manager asking for more hours, but they said they couldn't, blaming different things from my schedule and my work performance, but primarily being overstaffed. I'm pretty sure they're trying to get rid of me and by giving me less hours they're hoping I'll quit. This week I've been given 0 hours on the schedule. What should I even say to my manager? The job actually pays over double minimum wage, which is amazingly rare for a fast food job where I live, so I didn't really want to give up this job. And now after their shady tactics, I really don't want to quit if nothing else than to just spite…

Not sure what to do. Past month I've gotten about 10-12 hours per week. It's a part time job while I'm in college, so I didn't expect much, but this is really lowballing it. I've already talked with my manager asking for more hours, but they said they couldn't, blaming different things from my schedule and my work performance, but primarily being overstaffed. I'm pretty sure they're trying to get rid of me and by giving me less hours they're hoping I'll quit.

This week I've been given 0 hours on the schedule. What should I even say to my manager? The job actually pays over double minimum wage, which is amazingly rare for a fast food job where I live, so I didn't really want to give up this job. And now after their shady tactics, I really don't want to quit if nothing else than to just spite the company. If they want me gone, they'll have to fire me.

I only applied to one other job so far. Pretty obvious I'll be needing a new one soon, given my assumptions are correct. But really, how should I confront my manager? Is this behavior illegal (USA)? Do you think if I go to the district manager that they'll help me? Probably naive to think so. Idk, what would you all do?

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