
Should I report this to my boss?

It's only been a week and I'm wondering if I made a mistake joining this place. Basically there are two girls and two guys. One of the girls is the HR. These people are obnoxious, which I can deal with. But the problem is that they laugh and scream really loud and also hit each other. Like the girls hit this one guy like its all fun and games. Then he'll try to be funny and throw markers at this one girl. The HR is extremely unbothered by it and she partakes in all of it too. Initially I ignored it because I've worked in awful work places before this. But then on Friday they were deciding whether this one guy should be allowed to go home or not based on an arm wrestle. The guy said no and the HR kept pestering him over and over again to do…

It's only been a week and I'm wondering if I made a mistake joining this place.

Basically there are two girls and two guys. One of the girls is the HR. These people are obnoxious, which I can deal with. But the problem is that they laugh and scream really loud and also hit each other. Like the girls hit this one guy like its all fun and games. Then he'll try to be funny and throw markers at this one girl. The HR is extremely unbothered by it and she partakes in all of it too.

Initially I ignored it because I've worked in awful work places before this. But then on Friday they were deciding whether this one guy should be allowed to go home or not based on an arm wrestle. The guy said no and the HR kept pestering him over and over again to do it. I should also mention that I don't look in their direction so I don't see a whole lot of what's happening but I can hear everything.

Our office is like one room with tables facing the wall. I usually use my phone and don't look at the other end of the room where they're sitting. So idk what happened but my HR lost the arm wrestle, and I dont remember the rest. To me, they were just goofing around as always and I zoned out from their conversation.

Today idk what the issue was but I got the impression that the HR was mad at the guy and she kept mentioning that he hurt her that day. I thought this was their usual banter. Today we had no work btw, but we had to stay till 5:30ish (I'm still at working as im typing this) because otherwise our pay gets cut. All I know is that there was some tension between all four of them against the guy who HR had an arm wrestle with

Then, they started their usual loud yelling as a joke crap. The guys were throwing things at the girl (not HR) who was telling them to stop but again this is stuff they normally do. But then what happened was that she threw markers at them and I think she went to grab them and one of the guys (not the arm wrestle one) grabbed her arm

I was on my phone but I could hear her saying stop you're hurting me. Now the thing is, I saw her telling the guys to stop last week too, and I couldn't tell if she was joking or not because she would be fine with them immediately after. But this time she said “stop I'm serious”

I feel bad because I didn't intervene. I feel like I should have but I know im seen as the buzz kill because I don't go out to eat with them or vape with them. I wanted to like let them do their thing. But then when she came in, she said look my hand has a bruise on it, and the guys started laughing. Idk what happened but the guy who grabbed her arm said you're just being dramatic. Then he said aren't bruises supposed to be blue?

Idk why but I spoke up and I said no actually they turn blue after a few days and yes you grabbing someone's arm can give them bruises

To this the arm wrestle guy says what have you done an internship on forensics or something? I said no I just know that grabbing someone's arm can seriously hurt them and leave bruises. Then he went quiet

Now they're all gone for ice cream.

My thing is, the HR is right there, is it my job to tell our boss? The girl whose arm he grabbed thinks its a joke, so I don't have any reason to intervene.

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